
We meet at the car park, with our packed lunches and everyone is excited and maybe a bit nervous? I wonder what we will be doing today? We wave goodbye to our families and disappear down the track, into the woods to find the Wild Things basecamp and begin the day’s adventures. At basecamp we are shown around, we find out there is a toilet (phew!) and play some games to learn each other’s names.
The Importance of Residential Camps. More and more research is coming to light to support what we in the environmental world have always asserted – being outdoors is good for you and so are residential camps! This means not only are children able to be more active by being outside, they are also able to learn more freely, engage more readily and be inspired, encouraged, challenged and therefore improve their confidence and self-esteem. These positive
Most of us know that spending hours and hours in front of screens, bombarded by emails and message notifications causes us stress.  Humans are not surprisingly more stressed that we have ever been.  It’s subtle and eats away at our well-being.  Our world with all it’s current technological achievements has at the same time adopted dopamine-filled technology to hook us in to screen life. It’s necessary to know and articulate what we are trying to
Hope for the future – The Woodland Project wins grant from The Peoples Projects! The Woodland Project in East Sussex offers days out in the woodlands for children and young people with physical and learning disabilities, their families and siblings. The project was one of five projects in the Meridian East region shortlisted by The Peoples Projects to be in the running to win a grant of up to £50,000 and it was announced on
Jon Cree – Mill Woods, A Place for Play and Deep Learning Late winter 2017 around the time of imbolc, as we emerged into the lengthening days, Jon Cree joined us in the woods to facilitate two training days on Story and Play Structures: “My initial reticence of working with fairly large groups soon evaporated into the soil, with the rain, when I got to the site (I know that sounds a contradiction but illustrates
A way to live life more fully.  Do you feel fully alive and awake to all the joy and beauty that surrounds you every day? Do you wake up and say “wow” what a gift to have another day here upon this beautiful earth? Do you feel the full life of all the beings around you? Do you understand your place in that? Do you see that life in the children? How would it feel
Please VOTE for The Woodland Project. Dear Friends, We have been waiting for a few months, keeping quiet about something really important to me, our organisation and the families and young people we work with. We have the incredible opportunity over the next two weeks to secure funding for a year with your help!  We have been shortlisted as one of 5 finalists for the ITV People’s Project  –  this is up to you, the

May 18, 2021

Woodland Tales

The Woodland Wanderer Returns… The woodland wanderer has returned with a brand new blog post. The last time I wrote for Circle of Life Rediscovery was way back in 2014. Fast forward into 2017 and I am back for more blogging, capturing the involvement and adventures between CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and CLR. Oh, but there’s a twist. When I was last blogging for CLR I was a CAMHS participant on the