Our Woodland Site

Circle of Life Rediscovery welcomes all our groups to a stunning 10 acre of beautiful mixed broad-leafed woodland known as Mill Woods. It is near Laughton Village, located 10 miles from Lewes in East Sussex.

This land is part of the newly formed 171 acres of Laughton Community Greenwood (formerly Vert Woods). Our CLR director, Marina Robb is also on the committee of this Community Woodland and is committed to supporting it’s mission ‘‘To restore, create and maintain an inspirational working Community Woodland that puts nature at the heart of decisions. We seek to establish a self-sustaining and thriving woodland culture that connects people with their natural environment.’

CLR Woodland Sign

All our work at our site prioritises care for the woodland, with the aim to increase biodiversity.

We work closely with a wide range of nature enthusiasts to manage and support a long-term woodland plan that enables these woods to thrive whilst providing quality nature connection opportunities for all ages.

We are committed to providing access to nature for people from all backgrounds and have taken careful steps to build structures that sit naturally within the landscape. A beautiful and simple canvas shelter, enables up to 30 people to remain dry in some of our wetter days! We have created a simple clean and sustainable compost toliet, and are beginning to construct a disability-friendly toilet for our Flagship ‘The Woodland Project”.

All water is either brought onto site, or gathered using permaculture principles.

We offer a range of opportunties for schools, organisations, professional health and social services to access this natural environment though programmes, day events and trainings.

Our management plan is built on a conservation and regenerative approach. The young people and families all contribute to increasing the diversity – from building bat, dormouse, bird boxes, to planting a range of trees – as well as clearing areas to increase light. We are lucky to have carpets of bluebells in the Spring and a range of old and young trees and plants to gather medicines, cook with, make dyes and crafts.

Our volunteer days – both funded and general appeal to all ages, we listen to what the woods and you want to support here. Our latest creation is a Clay oven and a new wood store. I think lots of us like to eat, so we make sure we always leave time to cook and share food around the fire – it seems we are well know for our Nettle pakora’s and South American Arepas. Come join us!

If you are looking for a natural, well-managed place to experience high quality nature connection, do join us on one of our events or volunteer on our woodland working days!

Woodland Nest
Bluebells Woodland Site