Autumn Foraging 2023


Autumn is the time for deep nourishing, building up our stores of nutrients and supporting our immune systems ready for the cold months ahead.

Along with the last few wild greens we have such an abundant variety of healing foods and medicines at this time of year.

The hedgerows are bursting with berries which are full of wonderful health giving nutrients that support our immune systems as we come into the colder months. Learn how best to preserve these wild medicines for your own health in easy recipes for tonics as well as food items.
In the morning we will fill our baskets with berries, maybe nuts and the last of the wild greens, meeting a wide range of plants, learning some basic botany and plant ID features along the way. In the afternoon we will gather around the fire and turn our harvests into a range of delicious food to share and medicines to take home.
On this day we will make an immune boosting glycerite, a herbal syrup with coconut sugar and many more delicious foods to share.

Date: Saturday 16th September 2023
Times: 10.00am – 3.30pm

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