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We are proud to work with some of the best practitioners in the UK and the world.

Our staff have dedicated their work life to creating communities where our nature environment is cared for, where we can have lots of fun whilst supporting each other to be well and live fulfilling lives.

Marina Robb

Marina Robb

Founder and Managing Director of Circle of Life Rediscovery CIC, a leading outdoor learning organisation.

Mark Lloyd

Mark Lloyd

Mark has always had a keen interest in the environment and working with people.

Kate Macairt

Kate Macairt

Kate is an experienced Play Therapist and Child Counsellor with a background is in Expressive Arts Education

jon cree

Jon Cree

Jon’s passion is reconnecting people of all ages to the natural world with a view to facilitating compassionate relationships in communities.

jennie lamb

Louise Hack

Louise is a qualified teacher and Forest School practitioner with over 20 years of experience working in schools as Early Years lead, Specialist Early Years and Literacy leader, Deputy Head and Head of School.

Harriet Holmes

Harriet Holmes

Harriet started working for Circle of Life Rediscovery in 2013. Mainly office based, Harriet takes care of the marketing, bookings and general office!

Kate Macairt

Jo Walker

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jennie lamb

Louise Hack

Louise is a qualified teacher and Forest School practitioner with over 20 years of experience working in schools as Early Years lead, Specialist Early Years and Literacy leader, Deputy Head and Head of School.

Harriet Holmes

Harriet Holmes

Harriet started working for Circle of Life Rediscovery in 2013. Mainly office based, Harriet takes care of the marketing, bookings and general office!

jennie lamb

Louise Hack

Louise is a qualified teacher and Forest School practitioner with over 20 years of experience working in schools as Early Years lead, Specialist Early Years and Literacy leader, Deputy Head and Head of School.