Outdoor learning training | Sussex | Circle of Life Rediscovery

Why did you choose this training?

“I don’t feel I’ve got the skills in outdoor education, I was drawn to watching other people do their sessions and I love seeing young people get really engaged with being outdoors. Listening to people who have done Marina’s courses before I found that there is a lot more depth to it, it’s more multi-layered than some of the more basic bushcraft courses.”

“I met someone who knew about this training and they said to me “If you want to do one, that’s the one to do!” – and he was right!”

“It gives you a fuller more holistic approach rather than just telling you how to do the do, it gives you more of an ethos behind what is important in Forest School and Nature Awareness.”

What makes this training unique?

“Marina’s experience going such a long way back and being across continents. She’s worked with so many amazing nature connective mentors over the years, she brings all of that richness to it.”

“The amount of time we’ve got to spend outdoors, and the amount of practical things we’ve done. We’re going away with a massive list of activities we can use.”

“The experience from all the leaders on the training. Having specialist to drop in and teach their thing was utterly brilliant. I feel more resilient as a facilitator now having learnt from lots of different people rather than just one.”

Have you been taught good protocols and health and safety?

“The protocols were vigilant all the way through, it’s brought into everything we do – from sitting around having lunch, to making fires, to all the activities.”

“Yes, it has been a great balance of the theoretical side of that and seeing it being put into practice in the sessions out in the woods. I feel confident now!”

“Definitely, I feel like we’ve had it thoroughly drilled in in an entertaining and understanding way! I feel I can be safe and relaxed in my own teachings now.”

Do you have any highlights or anything you have particularly enjoyed?

“Some of the theory has been fascinating, I’ve found it really interesting learning about child development and play and neuroscience – how the brain works, and how movement and outdoor work is so much more important than just sitting in a classroom.”

“Working with people that are really passionate about what they do, the people involved in the training, all the facilitators. It has been held together in a very cohesive way.”

“We are in such a beautiful surrounding, and being given the time within this training to spend time just being quiet and observing our surroundings has been a huge thing because no one gets to do that enough.”

Would you recommend this training to someone else?

“Most definitely! It’s a completely different experience, it’s a whole ethos, not just a training course. You will come away with so much that you can immediately use.”

“I already have! It’s about getting kids outside and instilling a life long passion, helping them to build their confidence and self esteem. Everything has been done really well here. If you really want to be connected with nature and help children to grow, then this kind of training is perfect for you.”

“Yes! I would say they would be mad to do it with anyone else! This is, as far as I’m concerned, THE Forest School course for people wanting to be Forest School practitioners. The facilitators have been so aware of the group dynamics and that kind of holding has helped me to learn better. You don’t find that anywhere else. People don’t see adult’s learning in the same way as children’s learning!”

Look out for our upcoming Forest School Leadership Programme (Level 3 Certificate)! https://www.facebook.com/events/342415082548542/