Outdoor learning training | Sussex | Circle of Life Rediscovery

Open College Network West Midlands, Level 3 Certificate for Forest School Leaders

Join our forest school training level 3 course in March!

At Circle of Life Rediscovery, our Forest School Training Level 3 course combines key principles of Forest School with best practice from Environment and Nature Education, child development and the world of play including wild, free and therapeutic play.


Who are the trainers?

Our training team includes Marina Robb, Mark Lloyd and Anna Richardson who are all qualified Forest School Leaders with backgrounds in teaching, nature connection and woodland management.

Learning with Nature
Together, they have over 40 years’ experience working outdoors and across different ages and backgrounds. Marina and Anna are authors of the popular, Learning with Nature: A how-to guide to inspiring children through games and activities’.

Who is the training for?

Forest School Training with Circle of Life Rediscovery


Our trainee’s come from a wide range of backgrounds including teaching, outdoor/nature/bushcraft education, play work, organisations who work with young people, or with challenging and vulnerable backgrounds. Trainee’s need to be over 21 years old and have 2 years’ experience working with young people.




Why do we support this approach?

There is a growing understanding of the importance of play and the outdoors for children’s health and well-being and capacity to learn. We believe play (wild, free play and therapeutic) is essential for emotional well-being and nature provides a multitude of health and learning opportunities. Research into the brain science reinforces how exploration and taking risks in the outdoors and during childhood, grows networks that support us into adulthood.

Furthermore, we believe that providing opportunities for people to experience nature is a pre-requisite for caring for nature.

How much work is there involved in forest school training?

The whole training takes about one year to complete. During that time you will have 9
face to face training days, which include all the practical and planning skills for Forest
School; child development theory, observation and listening to children; the benefits of
the outdoors and play; creating your forest school handbook: policies and risk
assessments; woodland stewardship and management.

Course content and units:

The OCN accreditation training carries a total of 18 credits at Level 3 and consists of 5 units.
Credit Value 18, GLH: 96, TQT: 180
Guided Learning hours (GLH) supervised or direct study time required for a unit.
Total Qualification Time (TQT) number of guided learning hours (GLH) plus the time taken by learner for private study or work experience. See our website to download the units in detail.

Forest School Training in East SussexOur aim is to equip you to provide a safe, fun and professional experience for young
people outdoors that above all keep you and your groups inspired and curious about life, learning and nature!

We offer our forest school training across the seasons to enable you to experience nature and experience what’s possible at different times of year! As members of the Forest School Association UK we follow the Forest School Principles and maintain high standards. In addition to this, if you do not already hold a current Outdoor First Aid certificate you will need to attend a two day outdoor First Aid Training.

Everyone who trains as a Forest School facilitator runs 6 free Forest School sessions as
part of their training. You find and assess woodland/nature space, and plan and deliver
forest school sessions that are based on your observations of the children. You write this
up and it forms part of your assessment.

Learn how to inspire others through woodland activities!What is ‘the pilot’?

Everyone who trains as a Forest School facilitator runs 6 free Forest School sessions as part of their training. You find and assess woodland/nature space, and plan and deliver forest school sessions that are based on your observations of the children. You write this
up and it forms part of your assessment.



You will need to be covered by insurance to do this – it is highly recommended you carry
out your Pilot sessions within an established organisation or school. It’s a good idea to
think about options in advance, and we can support you to find a suitable placement.
We encourage you to work alongside other learning practitioners, creating peer support
during your ‘Pilot 6 sessions’. Learning by doing, getting as much experience as possible
will increase your confidence.

What can I do once I have the qualification?

Forest School leaders work in schools, colleges, charities, early years, nature-based organisations, social services, play work, and independently. As a qualified facilitator, you will be able to take out groups of young people, families and adults outdoors enabling then to discover the natural world, themselves, increase their learning, confidence and sense of well being.

This forest school training provides a complete foundation to working in nature with groups of children of all ages and capabilities. You will learn to bring in skills you have learned (e.g fire making, shelter building, using ropes & tools, songs & foraging) when appropriate, and trust your own knowledge of the children to provide and support experiences and play opportunities that build from their own interests.

I have paediatric/occupational first aid; do I still need Outdoor First Aid?

Yes, you still need to be Outdoor First Aid trained even if you already have paediatric
training/occupational first aid. The reason is that Forest School is typically held away
from road access therefore emergency services may need to call in other rescue services
to do a stretcher carry which can take more time. Also, outdoor first aid is more specific
to what happens at Forest School.

How do I get a Disclosure Barring Service?

If you are not hold a current DBS, you can arrange this with the school or service you
offer your pilot sessions to, or go through an umbrella organisation. Please leave
enough time to do this.

What do previous participants have to say?

“This was the best training I have ever done, from any given provider!”

“If it benefits me, and my mind and sense of self, imagine what it can do for children. It’s like no training I’ve ever experienced before.”

“The training was excellent. Marina and Mark gave me the confidence to try everything and to be successful at it.”

“It was so diverse and fun, so many games, ideas and activities that I can now deliver myself in the future.”

“A great balance of theory and practical skills. Just truly an amazing experience, I feel confident to now deliver sessions.”

“As well as the training side, this has been a personal journey and helped me to rediscover and reconnect as well as great for my mind and mental health.”



2018 Training Dates: part one: March 5th – 8th 2018, part two: April 23rd – 25th 2018, part three: May 15th – 16th 2018.

Location: Our forest school training takes place at Picketts Wood, Picketts Lane, Nutley, TN22 3EG and at our stunning site at Mill Woods, near Laughton, read about it here.

To find out about our forest school training course and to book, please see our website or send an email. To chat about the training please call Marina on 01273 814226.

Circle of Life Rediscovery