
by Tom Shenk, taken from Virginia Education Association. Unfortunately, I believe the answer to the question posed in the headline to this article is ‘Yes’. My study of recent brain research tells me that students today have more brain development issues than did children of past generations. If you’ve been working with children for more than 20 years, you may have seen this trend playing out in your classrooms. Even if you haven’t, consider these
Spending too much time in front of television, DVDs and computer games is taking its toll on children’s physical and mental health, according to a government commissioned report published today. Public Health England says there is evidence that children who spend more time watching screens tend to have higher levels of emotional distress, anxiety and depression. The agency, which is using the data as the basis of a campaign to encourage families to adopt healthier
The aim of the study is to investigate whether Forest School beneficially affects the self-esteem of Early Years Foundation Stage children. Forest School is a child-led approach to learning that ‘maximises the benefits of learning outdoors’ (The Forest School Training Company, 2013)
Circle of Life Rediscovery recently teamed up with the East Sussex support network for children who come from Foster families. Not the children who have been fostered, but those who are the biological children of the Foster parents. People often don’t realise the issues and problems that arise for these children… Here is how our camp helped them feel supported and positive. How did it feel being around other children who are in the same
For the first time ever, the UK’s wildlife organisations joined forces to undertake a health check of nature in the UK and its Overseas Territories. Here we show you the key findings of this amazing report. To view the full report check out 60% of the 3,148 UK species assessed have declined over the last 50 years and 31% have declined strongly. Half of the species assessed have shown strong changes in their numbers
Hello Everyone! Em here with my monthly blog! Can you believe it, it’s SEPTEMBER already! Where’s the summer gone? Let’s face it, we had a dragging, long Winter but we’ve had a pretty good Summer this year-compared to summers past! I have to admit, Summer 2013 has been one of the best Summers I’ve had since at least 2007 back in the day when I was a littleton at 13 years old (oh the cliche
First off I would like to apologise for such a late blog, so many things have happened recently in my life that I’ve just had no time to update my blog with my recent tales! I thought you all should know I am typing this from my balcony in Ciovo, Croatia- the view is absolutely beautiful, I’m currently watching someone water their Orange trees- if only we had these views in England! I cannot wait
The Great Outdoors!  How many times I hear about people and organisations, including my own, spouting about the benefits of the outdoors – it’s not hard to realise that getting outdoors is good for your health, reduces stress, develops confidence and so much more. Yet I can’t fail to notice that it’s all about US.  Humans that is, and what we can get from the outdoors and the natural world. Does ‘getting more people outdoors”,