A way to live life more fully.
Do you feel fully alive and awake to all the joy and beauty that surrounds you every day?
Do you wake up and say “wow” what a gift to have another day here upon this beautiful earth? Do you feel the full life of all the beings around you?
Do you understand your place in that?
Do you see that life in the children?
How would it feel to live this way every day…?
What if there was a way to help expand our senses to levels of awareness in the world that allow for deep understanding, empathy, creativity and full connection.
Well… there is
It’s happening all around us all the time and is a part of the symbiotic relationship humans have had since the beginning of time with the natural world that we are a part of.
The Birds offer us a great gift to be able to lift us out of our minds and thoughts and place us deeply into the senses, the place of real understanding and connectivity.
Through the birds we can tap into the flow of the landscape and the beings that are moving across it. Our place. We can start to access a four dimensional picture, using all the senses, of the place that we inhabit and the flow of life that is there. Being fully alive and in the moment of now.
Why is this important?
If the life of a human being is to experience as fully as possible the gift and joy of being truly alive in ourselves and learn the great wisdom of other forms of life then surely we need to switch on and pay attention.
Imagine a world where the next generation of children are fully awake and delighting in and learning from the experience of life itself. That they are connected deeply to themselves, others and the natural world.
Is that a world worth building?
They would be caretakers of this earth, holding it gently for their own children to come.
Come to our CPD day, ‘The Language of the Birds‘, on 4th May and learn about and experience one of the most powerful core routines to help create deep nature connection in yourself and be able to pass this ancestral gift to our children.
What will we do?
During this one day CPD we will look at
- Switching on the senses to as deep a level as possible and explore processes to keep them on.
- We will, through theory backed up with direct experience, start to pick out the voices of the birds and what they can tell us.
- We will start to feel the flow of how the land is when all is peaceful and how different it is when a predator is moving across that landscape.
- We will identify the birds that offer the most learning possibilities and why.
- We will understand how birds move, why and what this means.
- We will explore the interconnectedness of all life and how that can enrich our everyday lives.
- We will understand how bird language can keep us safe.
- We will also throughout the day show ways to pass this on to people you work with, be that children or adults.
- This day will be a full mix of didactic information which is then fully experienced in its real form through practical exercises.
Come and join us for this magical day and switch on to the beauty of life. Please see our website for details, or to book online, click here.
This CPD day will be run by Alex Travers.
Tel: 01273 814226