
Local Nature Play
Forest Kindergarten – Local Nature Play The child’s right to be a child, By Marina Robb     Children are by nature curious and playful.  There is a reason for that.  Self-directed exploration and play are how they learn.  Children were designed by nature to educate themselves by playing and exploring. I was fortunate enough to meet Juliet Robertson at the South Downs Outdoor Learning Conference in 2016.  We had both tried to find each
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July 20, 2021

Playday 2021

Playday 2021 – Nature Based Therapeutic Play 4th of August is ‘Playday’ – The Annual Celebration of Children’s Rights to Play Creative Reality by Kate Macairt Playday 2021, it feels really important this year for us to contemplate what PLAY is and its function in our lives.  In the last year we have all become so much more reliant on our screens. The pandemic has forced children to spend home school days on the laptop,
Mental Health Week
Mental Health Awareness Week – Connect with Nature Well-being: The Self, Other, our Mental Health and Nature, By Marina Robb Growing up is never easy! Often what we long for as adults, is really an indicator of what we need most in our lives. As practitioners who work with children and young people, we are more effective when we have the ability to know our unmet needs which provides a greater capacity to generate love
Forest School in Ramadan By Nadine Marroushi – Forest School Training Student This month is a holy month for Muslims around the world. This week we are celebrating Forest School in Ramadan. The Islamic calendar is based around the lunar cycle and this year it begins on Monday 12th April and will end on 11th May. It was on a yoga trek on the Nepalese side of the Himalayas a few years ago when I
Earth Day
Going Full Circle – Earth Day 2021 By Lisa Gylsen, Director Thinking about Earth Day has made me reflect on certain times in my life when I just felt alive. I’m sure you know what I mean. One of those times for me was when myself and three others from the UK travelled to Canada for the Rediscovery International Leadership and Outdoor Training in 2003. It was a month long adventure training with a community
International Day of Forests
International Day of Forests On Spring Equinox weekend, we celebrate International Day of Forests! Traditionally this is a day to remember the balance of light and dark and the movement out of winter into Spring. After the year we have all experienced, there is hope and the promise of new life in the forest. On International Day of Forests today, I am walking in the community woodland I co-chair in East Sussex (Laughton Greenwood), I
Tree Week
For many years I have held the question, ‘What motivates people to care about the natural world and value nature.’ Yet, as we know so well, access to nature is not available to all, and that the bright screens of the 21st Century enclose us ever more to the indoors.   However, by training practitioners from education and health to be competent and confident to embed nature-based practice in their workplace, we can create a

May 18, 2021

Literacy Day 2020

For Literacy Day here are 10 reasons to teach literacy outside. The Covid crisis has shown an increase in 60% of our population’s appreciation of the natural world. Yet still so many of our children have not had access to nature during these months or as part of their educational experience. We decided the greatest impact we could have was to train people to practice themselves. Whilst there is a lot of focus on early