
Hiking is a great way to get in some exercise, enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors and get some fresh air. It also helps kids to learn about the environment and life sciences while getting them off of the couch and away from the electronic devices that so many kids are attached to. Like most activities, however, it’s not without its share of risks. In order to ensure that everyone on your hiking trip
CAMHS Camp May 2013 What have you enjoyed about the camp? “The thing I’ve most enjoyed about the last two days in spending time with your friends and not your family, so you’re going out into the forest and having all this free space and free time and you don’t have to worry about any of the stress at home, or whatever it is going through your mind. You just come to the forest, open,
Why did you choose this training? “I don’t feel I’ve got the skills in outdoor education, I was drawn to watching other people do their sessions and I love seeing young people get really engaged with being outdoors. Listening to people who have done Marina’s courses before I found that there is a lot more depth to it, it’s more multi-layered than some of the more basic bushcraft courses.” “I met someone who knew about

May 18, 2021

Woodland Mayhem

GREETINGS!! Are you excited? I certainly am! I have got so much to talk about in terms of what I have been doing with Circle of Life Rediscovery recently! So, hold on to your hats and away we go… So, as mentioned in my March blog I was taking part in a woodland day with Circle of Life Rediscovery which was in partnership with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). We do various woodland days
Guest Blog from Lynne, a participant on Circle of Life Rediscovery’s most recent Forest School Level 3 Training. Mixed feelings swirling around after finishing the practical and theory sessions on Circle of Life Rediscovery’s Level 3 Forest school training. I’m sitting in an office longing to be back in the woods, making rope swings, playing wild and crazy games, poking through owl pellets for skulls and hip bones, learning about the importance of play and

May 18, 2021


Welcome all, to the slightly late March blog… which is being uploaded in April so one could argue that this is an April blog- lucky you, getting two blogs in one month! *jumps for joy* First and foremost, I believe a ‘Happy Easter’ message is needed- HAPPY EASTER! I hope you had a good Easter/bank holiday. And that you all had a relaxing time, full of peace, joy, happiness and not to mention CHOCOLATE! Easter
Jonathan Porritt has spent over 30 years or more caring for nature and finding ways to support healthy economies, educational and natural systems. Edited from Jonathan Porritt’s speech at the South Downs National Park Outdoor learning conference March 2013: “Most of my world is spent talking about great, big, abstract issues, and sometimes they’re lumped under the framework of sustainable development, sometimes under environment, sometimes under green politics, whatever it might be. Big, abstract, conceptual

May 18, 2021

Hidden Beauty

Emma’s Monthly Blog – a Youth Participant from Circle of Life Rediscovery It’s goodbye February and hello March! That’s right, soon the blustery months of winter will be gone and seem like a distant memory! I am welcoming March with open arms, I can’t wait for the beautiful Daffodils and Snow Drops to come out and bloom. There’s something very peaceful and welcoming about March, like it’s a fresh start to life. I always think