
We’re a team of outdoor education specialists. We love being outdoors and want to share that passion with others. That’s what this blog is all about! We help young people engage with the natural world improving their understanding, skills and values. Circle of Life Rediscovery specialise in Forest School teacher training courses. We’ve been running outdoor education courses for young people and adults since 2004. We’ve worked with nursery school teachers, primary school groups, secondary school
Greetings fellow bloggers, Happy New Year!! I hope you’ve all kicked off 2K14 with a bang! We’re nearing the end of January now and the ‘New Year’ feeling has pretty much almost worn off now. Funny how we’re only a month into the New Year, yet it feels like it has been so much longer! Guaranteed the British weather contributes to that sullen atmosphere, that has been experienced this month! This time last year the
Ho, Ho, Ho!! It’s that time of year again- Christmas and the festive time is very much upon us once again! Is it just me, but I’m sure Christmas comes round faster and faster each year?! So weird to think that this time in THREE days time it’ll be Christmas Day and no doubt right now- all of you will be laying on the sofa, about to burst from all food and drink you’ve devoured!
Greetings fellow bloggers, Hope you’re all well and enjoying the changing seasons wherever you may be in the world. The warm and inviting colors of Autumn are beginning to fade as the last of Autumn’s leaves fall to the ground. Really highlights how fast the seasons, and ultimately life passes by! Am already missing the Autumnal tones… Winter is very much beginning to set in now- I’ve certainly noticed the change in temperature, as I’m
we need to think in new ways…..rediscovering and restoring
Indigenous Ceremony can cure modern “Dis-ease” People from all walks of life are becoming more aware that we are trapped in an ever darkening shadow of modern life. From the time of our birth we’ve been program to disconnect from what is truly important and fulfilling in life. Our childhood education institutions take us out of nature and guide us to suppress our true selves, ensuring that we fit the societal mold. We learn from
Grab your wellies, make that hot chocolate and light that fire because… AUTUMN IS HERE!! I’m super excited. In my opinion Autumn/Winter are the best seasons out there but hands down, Autumn tops off all the seasons by far. Don’t get me wrong, each season has something unique to give and provide, but overall Autumn just reigns supreme! Nothing can beat the sights, smells, sounds and colours of this beautiful season. Who doesn’t love taking
I felt as if I were an unwilling accomplice to torture. Echoes of the victim’s screams rang off the varnished walls. The door tight shut though it was, could not block the cries of panic. A baby, alone and imprisoned in a cot. The baby’s mother was visibly disturbed too, pale, and tearful. She was a victim herself, preyed on by exponents of controlled crying, or Ferberisation – that pitiless system, cruel to them both.