May 18, 2021
Bentley Woodfair
We spent the weekend in the woods at Bentley, running a stall to let people know what Circle of Life Rediscovery is up to. The woodland has never seen so many people on the glorious sunny Saturday! It was thriving and the atmosphere was wonderful. We sat around a campfire making teas and coffees for visitors, talking about our woodland programs, forest school agendas, outdoor education and the ethos of Circle of Life. Children came and
May 18, 2021
Wild Women Wandering Day
On the last day of June, still in the wake of the summer solstice and the blessing of abundant light, we women felt called by the wild to wander and wonder. Our journey was mindful and gentle, listening deeply to the stirrings of the wild spirit within, coaxing her from her hiding place. As if in encouragement for our quest, the sun shone, giving light and warmth Making wild fire, stirred our child passions for
We wanted to share with you a video made by young people who attended our Earthwise Project, a partnership project between Circle of Life Rediscovery and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) – young poeple attended a number of Youth Leadership trainings in the Outdoors where we shared our experiences, made fire, played games and created a fun and safe space to be together. Its seems that when we are outdoors, its a
National Trust got in touch because they are driving a new campaign about connecting young people to nature. This is a short extract from an article I wrote for them: The question “what motivates people to care about the nature world” has been a theme to my life and my work. I believe the most effective solution to motivating people to care about nature is to give as many people as much opportunity as possible to experience the natural
May 18, 2021
The Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery
Photo taken from On this blog we want to feature some of the people and projects which inspire us. We came across The Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery years ago in a Guardian article about early years education. It’s based in Scotland and the pre-school children spend all day, whatever the weather, outside playing in the woods. The nursery has a lovely website which is worth a look at and Cathy Bache (founder of the
May 18, 2021
School Farms
Information taken from We just heard about this conference all about helping schools run their own farms and it caught our interest. It’s run by the School Farms Network on 5th-6th October 2012 in Banbury, Oxfordshire. The organisers say it is aimed at “schools considering starting to rear any kind of livestock, and for anyone interested in raising standards through the beneficial effects of farming in education.” There are 82 school farms in the
May 15, 2021
Forest School in Ramadan
Forest School in Ramadan By Nadine Marroushi – Forest School Training Student This month is a holy month for Muslims around the world. This week we are celebrating Forest School in Ramadan. The Islamic calendar is based around the lunar cycle and this year it begins on Monday 12th April and will end on 11th May. It was on a yoga trek on the Nepalese side of the Himalayas a few years ago when I